Essential Water Safety Tips

For people living in Nigeria, Water safety is a very important skill, Our country is known for its diverse landscapes, amazing lifestyles, and vibrant communities. For some Nigerians, canoeing or Boating is a daily affair to navigate the waters for business, social, and daily activities. Whether you are just enjoying the beauty of rivers, lakes, and coastal areas, going for business or daily activities, safety while canoeing or Boating cannot be over-emphasized as seen recently in Asaba where a popular actor and his crew members drowned while returning from a shoot. In this article, we’ll explore essential water safety tips, covering everything from swimming precautions to flood awareness.

Learn to Swim

Learning how to swim is one of the most effective methods to remain safe in and near water. Enroll yourself and your family in swimming classes coached by professionals. Practice basic swimming strokes and water survival skills to gain confidence and competency in the water.

Always Use Life Jackets

When boating, fishing, or participating in water activities, always wear a properly fitted life jacket, commonly known as a personal flotation device (PFD). Ensure that children have child-sized life jackets appropriate for their weight and stature. Life jackets can save lives by providing buoyancy and keeping people afloat in case of emergency.

Be Weather Aware

Check current weather conditions before indulging in any water-related activity. Be aware of strong winds, thunderstorms, and heavy rains, which can cause turbulent waves and dangerous currents. Postpone outdoor water activities if severe weather is predicted, and seek refuge in a safe location.

Supervise Children

Children should always be closely watched when they are near water, whether in bathtubs, swimming pools, or beaches. At all times, a responsible adult should be assigned to actively supervise children, keeping them away from social media and other distractions like mobile phones. Put in place barriers to stop unauthorized access to swimming pools and other bodies of water, like gates or fences.

Practice Caution Around Flooded Areas

During the rainy season, some parts of the country experience flooding that poses risks to communities and infrastructure. Practice caution around floodwaters. When maneuvering flooded areas, use discretion and avoid walking or driving through moving water. Floods can hide hidden dangers like submerged refuse, open manholes, and strong currents. Follow authorities’ directives and evacuate to higher ground if necessary.

Learn Basic Water Rescue Skills

Learn to recognize the signs of drowning, such as gasping for air, inability to call for help, and vertical positioning in water. If someone is in trouble, reach for a rescue boat, throw a rope, or use a long object to offer help from a safe distance.

Avoid Alcohol and Drugs

Avoid drinking alcohol or using illegal substances before or during water activities. Impaired judgment and coordination raises the risk of accidents and drowning. Stay alert and attentive while enjoying water-based activities, putting your own and others’ safety first.

Respect Water Safety Signs

Obey water safety signs posted at beaches, swimming pools, and other aquatic venues. Follow any warning signs about water depth, strong currents, or dangerous conditions.  To reduce risks, obey the lifeguard or attendant instructions and swim only in designated areas.

By following these important water safety tips, you can enjoy Nigeria’s waterways while reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. Prioritize safety, maintain vigilance, and be ready to respond effectively in emergencies. Together, we can promote water safety practices and provide enjoyable experiences for all. Stay safe and enjoy the beauty of Nigeria’s diverse landscapes responsibly.

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